Photo by Ollivier Girard/CIFOR


Indigenous and community rightsholders have access to funding that supports the mapping and formal recognition of their lands, and the creation and implementation of plans to support their conservation, livelihoods, gender justice, and self-determined development.


Contribute to the sector goal of raising US$10 billion by 2030 and strategically deploying public and private funds to scale up the formal recognition of Indigenous Peoples’, Afro-descendant Peoples’, and local communities’ land rights, conservation, and sustainable management of their territories.

Guiding Principles


IP, LC, & ADP Led




Who We Are

CLARIFI is a global initiative with a priority to support projects in low- lower and middle-income countries (LLMICs), and all ecosystem types, particularly those located in ecosystems, lands and territories not covered by other financing mechanisms, and where there is a clear complementarity with other mechanisms.  

CLARIFI complements the existing ecosystem of financial mechanisms for investing in community rights, livelihoods, and conservation, including those that were instigated by RRI (the Tenure Facility and the Strategic Response Mechanism) as well as national and regional-level funds being created by Indigenous and community rightsholders’ organizations.

CLARIFI regrants funds to advance the integrated goals of justice, climate, conservation, and development in a wide range of LLMICs around the world. It aims to deploy grants of $100,000 to $1 million as well as supporting rightsholders’ organizations as a pass-through financial mechanism for larger grants between $1–$50 million.

Our Advisors

Photo by NeilPalmer/2015CIAT

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CfN seeks to ensure that Indigenous and local community rights are advanced in the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework while pursuing the conservation goal of 30% of the planet by 2030.

RRI is a global coalition of more than 150 rightsholder organizations and their allies dedicated to advancing the land and resource rights of local peoples— informed and driven by Indigenous Peoples, Afro-descendant Peoples, and local communities themselves.

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Whistleblowing PolicyTransparency Policy

Rights and Protections